Welcome to the WOL Certification Workshop
AI & Instructional Design

Welcome to the WOL Certification Workshop
AI & Instructional Design

Elevate your Instructional Design skills, master prompt engineering, and achieve new heights in your training career with our prestigious certification.

Workshop Highlights

The WOL Certification Workshop is hosted on Course Masters, a distinguished LearnWorlds educational project, boasting over 50K happy learners to date. Both WOL and Course Masters exemplify LearnWorlds' mission to equip course creators and edupreneurs with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their educational endeavors.
Expert-led Videos
Interactive Assignments
Certificate of Completion

How It Works


Sign Up or Log In

Click on START NOW to create a new account or log in if you are already a Course Masters user.

Start Your Course

Click on GET CERTIFIED to access workshop materials and begin your learning journey.

Watch and Learn

Watch the workshop videos and complete the quizzes to earn your certificate.

Take Your Time

Need more time? You can return and finish the workshop anytime within the next week.

Share Your Achievement

Once you’ve earned your certificate, share it with your network on social media.


Meet the LearnWorlds Course Design Experts, your bridge between AI innovation and exceptional course creation.
Eliza Cani
Learning Designer Expert,
Panagiota Christodoulou
Instructional Technologies Expert,

Bridge the AI Expertise Gap

Address the AI Skills Gap

Tackle the growing need for comprehensive AI skills across instructional designers, educators, and creators.

Unlock AI Potential

Learn to strategically leverage AI with LearnWorlds' five-layered AI framework, designed to enhance your professional toolkit.

Develop Comprehensive AI Skills

Acquire the knowledge and abilities needed to maximize AI’s benefits in your business, regardless of your industry.

Holistic AI Framework

Access a unique, detailed framework that outlines essential AI-powered course development skills.